Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to install hibernate in eclipse

In order to do a database project in eclipse, we need to install a hibernate plug-in.

Go to Help -> Install New Software -> Work with: Add the following link - http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/

1. Check Select the required installation files and click Next.
2. I have selected Web and JavaEE Development.
3. Proceed to accept license agreement and click Install.
4. It will ask to Restart and you are done.

See my next post to create a new hibernate project.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

jquery interfering with rich:tabPanel and rich:tab

I had included the jquery file into my project and found that it interfered with the rich:tabPanel and rich:tab of jquery. The solution to this is to use - jQuery.noConflict(); . Declare a variable containing like $j = jQuery.noConflict(); and replace "$" with "$j"

e.g -

Monday, December 13, 2010

Empty Subreport in jasper report

In  case your subreport gives empty/ blank screen, chances are it may be due to datasource problem.Remember to add the following in subreport tag(in case of empty datasource)-

and it should look somewhat like this -

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Exception - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Font

If the exception as -
Handler processing failed; 
nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
shows, adding the poi jar from http://poi.apache.org/download.html 
helps to get going.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Creating Interactive Jasper Reports using parameters and variables in iReport

To create an interactive jasper report using iReport, we can use parameters in jasper report.

1. Create a new parameter -

2. Use the parameter in the query -

3. Use the required variable in detail band to display a list.